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Stunning Roman Mosaic in Türkiye is First of Its Kind

Source: IHA.

A farmer excavating a field to plant trees has found something he did not expect: 84 square meters of exquisite Roman mosaic floor which may be as old as the Late Roman Period.

This would place it between the 4th and 6th centuries AD, created either by the Romans in the period before the fall of Rome in 478 AD or in the early Byzantine Period which came after.

The mosaic is in a single unbroken piece and depicts a huge amount of local animal and plant life in stunning detail. The find was made near the city of Elazığ in eastern Anatolia, and nothing like it has ever been found in Türkiye before.

The animals, which include dogs, ducks, boar, bears and even lions, are depicted with artistry and realism and are surrounded by intricate geometric designs, reports IHA News

The find is expected to be a significant boost to tourism in the area, and it is hoped that the mosaic can be preserved in its entirety. As to what such a stunning and costly floor is doing there, at the moment it is anyone’s guess.

Header Image: Source: IHA

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